Monday through Friday 9:45 am - 1 pm
(child must be 4 by September 1st of enrollment year)

Our Fours program is designed to prepare the children for Kindergarten, and we do it through play. We’ve made every effort to design activities that help the children develop their gross motor and fine motor skills, receptive and expressive language, cognitive skills, intra and interpersonal skills, as well as math and science knowledge base. The children master the classroom skills they’re expected to have for the following year, through a daily circle time, center choice time, working with an adult at a table or playing with their friends. In the area of language arts, the children learn to recognize their upper case and lower case letters, and which sounds those letters represent, working with alliteration and rhyming words. There are many opportunities to foster receptive and expressive language through stories read daily, opportunities to act them out, or to dictate their own stories. Finally, and just as importantly, in the area of math, the children work with shapes, cardinal and ordinal numbers, simple repeating patterns, bar graphs, concepts of quantity, position words, and measuring. Most of these skills are fostered through and supported by our science or social studies units.
By the end of the school year the children in our Fours program are confident, eager learners ready to take on the challenges of Kindergarten.
Parents in the Fours class can expect to co-op three to four times per month.